The Summerfields Neighborhood Association (SNA) was founded in 1994 as a 501(c)(4) non-profit corporation dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of life for area residents and to serve as the focal point for the City of Fort Worth on all issues impacting Summerfields. All of the officers and members were volunteers. Any surplus funds were returned to the community in the form of park improvements, college scholarships, Christmas programs for the elderly, and other specific programs. Membership was voluntary and the association enforced no deed restrictions or other rules besides the ordinances and codes of the City of Fort Worth. We were active in reporting area code violations and coordinate with the city for all planning, zoning and variance issues within our boundaries.

After 31 years of serving the community, demographics and market changes and generation gaps have put the organization against unsurmountable odds that made the continuation of the organization impossible. The board of directors and officers sadly announces that, as of January 31 2025 the SNA has officially been dissolved.

We thank all those who have supported our efforts throughout the years, especially our faithful members who stayed the course with us from beginning to end.

There are many other ways all of us can use to continue advocating for the wellbeing of the neighborhood. Let's all be proactive in using all channels available to keep our neighborhood the pleasant living place it is.